Being able to work freely allows millions of people to survive without having to resort to violence, theft, or exploitation. We defend workers to stop being plundered by the government or companies.
Workersweb is a website, which resolute to helping workers getting the right value for their hardwork and skills.
We are a group that has chosen to fight for the fruit of workers' efforts that are supposed to feed their families in the face of the policies of governments, whose fundamental aim is to plunder the workers to satisfy the immense greed of the privileged castes at the top and the growth of electoral clienteles at the bottom.
The castes, or sectors we are talking about are:
· The banking sector needs to continue absorbing public funds and make multi-million dollars of profits based on abusive commissions and deception of their clients.
· Energy companies need money from public budgets and ever more expensive bills to pay salaries to politicians for old favors.
· Trade unions need to receive public money that will never come from the workers' members, as these unions defend the policies of governments and employers.
· Political parties need to create more and more managers in whom they can place their lackeys to achieve or stay in power.
· Government regimes squeeze more and more workers from the working middle class to maintain a system that is expensive, inefficient and facilitates immense corruption.
· The feminist lobbies and the egalitarian societies need increasing amounts of public money to maintain a social power they would never have based on their real numbers.
· The Church is eager to extend its centuries-old privileges even further, knowing that its faithful will never support it and that it has to sustain itself based on plundering the nation as a whole.
· The NGOs have turned philanthropy activities into a colossal business. For example, helping illegal immigrants, maintaining these legions of parasites costs a lot of money and that money always comes from the workers and in a particularly tragic way.
· The workers of the tax authorities have much higher salaries than the workers they plunder. These privileged, stupid, blind, privileged castes, eager to get rich, devoid of the slightest vision of the common good, have been pushing the workers into the abyss for decades.
· The electoral patronage from below is produced by increasing taxes on the workers. A change of the social structure is sought that would open the doors to socialism. Deprived of their incomes, the working classes would be weakened by joining the ranks of the proletariat, a proletariat that would impose its dictatorship on the road to the establishment of socialism.
Millions of unemployed will become directly dependent on the money given to them by the state and become immense electoral clients, and millions more will, in parallel, undergo a process of painful proletarianization. And consequently, it will simply be more congenial for millions of inhabitants to live at the taxpayer's expense as social parasites than to look for a job or start a business.
Of course, it is claimed that the "rich" pay for these rises, but one would have to be very ignorant to believe such claims. Anyone who knows how the tax system works knows that the big business - and personal - dinosaurs pay hardly any tax and that the tax burden falls on the broad spectrum of the middle classes. If anyone thinks Soros or Rockefeller or Buffet are going to pay for their social services, they can wait, but they'd better do it sitting down so they don't get exhausted.
If we do nothing about this alarming situation now, then we will have taken a giant step towards socialism, precisely the kind described by Marx and Engels. Socialism, which is brought about by depriving citizens of their income to spend it on state expenditure, by increasing taxes, and by taxing inheritances until after a few years, in many cases, it is no longer profitable to receive them, as, incidentally, happens in some European Union nations such as Spain.
The masses are subsidized, and subsidized people will, predictably, contribute to support such nonsense at the ballot box, but the cost to citizens could be horrendous. That is why was born.